Thursday, August 2, 2007

10.Teacher Cognition Research Methodology

10. Teacher Cognition Research and Methodology

Scott and Rogers 1995
Focus: Measure changes in teachers’ conceptions of writing before and after a nine week training related to process and holistic writing assessment
Methodology: 20 item attitude survey

Rina Fukami
Focus: contextual factors in the teacher cognition of a Japanese teacher of EFL
Methodology: a questionnaire prior to an interview, followed by an observation of the informant’s class

Susan Florio-Ruane and Timothy J. Lensmire
Focus:Juniors in a Language Arts methods course were initially surveyed about their views of teaching writing.
Methodology: interviews and analyses of their written work.

Yvonne Lam 2000
Focus:underlying factor behind their decisions regarding technology.
Methodology: Oral interviews were conducted with 10
L2 teachers and analyzed

Shi and Cumming 1995
Focus: Five experienced Instructors’ pedagogical practices and the ways thinking accommodated a specific instructional innovation.
Methodology:interviewed weekly about their ESL writing classes in selected courses over 2 years at a Canadian university

Focus: 11 fifth-grade teachers beliefs about teaching and learning were mediated by experience and context.
Methodology: Using observational and interview data, student work samples, and classroom artifacts

Cumming 1990
Focus: Compared decision-making process of novice and expert raters of ESL compositions
Methodology: Think aloud protocols as the teachers engaged while making their decisions

Meskill 2002
Focus: 8 teachers - two expert (experienced teachers and technologies users), five novice (limited experience in teaching and teaching with computers) and one transitional expert (experienced teacher and non-technology user)
Methodology:Semi-structured Interview
Reflective writing

+ More upcoming research will be added

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