Tuesday, September 4, 2007

What's the use of Linguistics? Pre-service English Teachers' Beliefs towards Language Use and Variation.

What's the use of Linguistics? Pre-service English Teachers' Beliefs towards Language Use and Variation.
Salvatore Attardo and Steven Brown

This is an excerpt from Chapter 6 in N.Bartels (ed) Applied Linguistics and Language Teacher Education.

I checked out this book from the library two weeks ago and just left it at my office without any idea how to start. However, after I went googling and found some key words about teacher cognition that refered to the book. I read through it again and realize how lucky I am to have this book (anyway..there are very few people fighting over teacher cognition books here) I reviewed this chapter because I found Attaro and Brown's study very interesting and presenting simple but effective way to present quantitative data with elaborations on qualitative data as well. They used a likert-scale survey in their study to investigate teacher trainees' beliefs about linguistics courses in order to examine the changes of knowledge and the effectiveness of the courses...

Professor White has ordered more copies for this book. It's very convenient for postgrad students to nominate books that will be useful for their research studies.

If you want to see a good model of qualitative study - go for Simon Borg's book. This one is a good alternative offering both statistical and ethonographical findings from teacher education studies.

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