Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge

Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge

`I have found a framework contributing to my research'.

The TPCK, a conceptual framework for technology integration, is based upon and extends Shulman’s (1987) work on teacher knowledge.

Technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPCK) (Mishra & Koehler, 2006) is emerging as one of the field’s and gaining popularity among researchers and educators.

Mishra & Koehler (2005) describe TPCK as a complex, situated form of professional understanding; the nexus of teachers' content, pedagogical, and technological knowledge. The TPCK framework is useful in that “it provides an analytic framework and categorization schemes for the analysis of teacher knowledge and its evolution” (Mishra & Koehler, 2006).

However, it is used for analysing general technology-integrated instruction. I try to find some other studies that have implemented TPCK in a foreign language classroom. I believe that the technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge in a language classroom will be different from other subject disciplines. Moreover, the TCPK framework is developed from the teacher education basis focusing on the knowledge of teacher and how the use the technology to afford the instruction which hasn’t clearly highlighted on the social activity of the teachers and learners. The framework looks like there’s a lot to do with teachers’ practice and content knowledge associated with technology. A language classroom is more complex than the quality of teachers’ instructional preparation. The teachers’ and learners’ contributions to the classroom are also major parts that constitutes the situation that may constrain or afford the language learning.

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