Thursday, November 15, 2007

Teacher Cognition Research Methodology

This is my Wednesday 14th November presentation.

Presentation Topic: Language Teacher Cognition Research Methodology

What is teacher cognition?

The term teacher cognition was used to refer to -- "what teachers know, believe, and think". (Borg, 2003)
Studies of teacher cognition are those which examine what teachers, at any stage of their careers, THINK, KNOW, OR BELIEVE in relation to various aspects of their work.

There are assumptions about teachers and their thinking from the literature of teacher cognition studies that:
- teachers are active thinking, decision-makers
- teachers make instructional choices by drawing on complex, practically-oriented, personalised, and context-sensitive networks of knowledge, thoughts, and beliefs

There are four domains that actively interact with teacher cognition.

A: Teacher experience as learners
- Experience as learners can inform cognitions about teaching and learning which continue to exert an influence on teachers throughout their career.
- Previous learning experience defines early cognitions and shapes teachers’ perceptions of initial training.

B: Teacher professional preparation
- professional coursework shape trainees’ cognitions
- coursework which ignore trainees’ prior beliefs may be less effective in influencing practices
- coursework may affect existing cognitions

C: Teacher working context
- contextual factors play an important role in determining the extent to which teachers are able to implement instruction congruent with their cognitions
- Contextual factors modify cognitions when there is incongruence between concepts and reality. This modification influence practice.

D: Teacher classroom practice
- Teaching practice is defined by the interaction of cognition and contextual factors.
- In turns, classroom experience influences cognitions consciously or unconsciously depending on individual ability of reflections.
- teacher cognitions and practices are mutually informing

Please check my Powerpoint file:

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