Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Qualitative Research Essentials: Interviews

Qualitative Research Essentials

My research design is
quan --> QUAL ---> QUAL

It means that i'm going to use a questionnaire prior to in-depth interviews and classroom obeservation.

These are some hints for my research design that I took notes from Dornyei's book.


Rules of thumbs in interview and questionnaire:
- Don’t use words that interviewee doesn’t understand
- Avoiding leading questions (It was really frustrating, wasn’t it?)
- Minimizing loaded of ambiguous words and jargons

Conducting the interview:
- Let it flow naturally, with the various parts connecting seamlessly
- Listen more than speak: An interview is not a platform for the interviewer’s opinion
- Let the interviewee dictates the pace without being rushed or interrupted
- Interact without posing any personal bias (Neutrality of the researcher)
- Rapport is indispensable – not presenting ourselves in a perfect light is also helpful
- Wording questions in such a way that it suggests that the behaviour is rather common
- Put the question in a straightforward in a non-threatening way
- Enjoy it – don’t give the message that you are bored or scared. Vary your voice and facial expression

Useful techniques for the interview
- must appear to be a sympathetic listener
- giving carry-on feedback/ give small gestures such as the ‘attentive lean’ and ‘eyebrow flash’, and we can add the ‘sympathetic smile’
- reinforcement feedback : indicating that we are pleased with the way the interview is going and confirming that the interviewee’s efforts are worthwhile
- encouraging elaboration : remain silent if you are waiting for more/ repeating the last word spoken by the respondent
- rekindle the respondent’s interest and focus the responses – using tranisition announcement and introductory statements before a new issue to create the appropriate mindset or schema
- giving a brief conclusion
- express gratefulness and respect – discuss the way by which the material will be used and the logistics of how to keep in touch in the future



Tessie says "I like this methodology book written by Dornyei- very up-to-date, practical, and well-organized. - would recommend to other novice applied linguistics researchers."

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