Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Roundtable Session for Exploring teachers' perspectives

Exploring potential use of ICT in Chinese language arts instruction: eight teachers’ perspectives

Janet Mei-Chuen Lin, Greg C. Lee and Hsiu-Yen Chen
Computers & Education Volume 42, Issue 2, February 2004, Pages 133-148

In this study , the researchers aim to identify potential uses of ICT in teaching of Chinese language arts. There were eight junior high school teachers participating in this study to discuss the potential uses of ICT in 12 roundtable session and joining web forum for exchanging additional ideas. They proposed a list of activities which they believed would be performed more effectively with the help of ICT. The activities cover various aspects of language art instructions including reading comprehension, writing skills, and other teaching-related tasks. The list obtained from the participants was a stepping-stone to the ultimate goal of deriving good model of ICT use in Chinese language art instruction. The list may be used as a basis for defining the best practice in the integration of technology into Chinese teaching.

What’s good about this article:
I was very excited to learn about a new useful methodology technique which includes the roundtable session to produce a list of effective ICT instructions from experienced teachers. What I am going to do in my research is to ask EFL tertiary teachers who are using ICT in their teaching about their recommendations and exemplars of students’ works and useful information about integrating the technology in English language instructions. I need to see something substantial at the end of my research. A list of best practices in using ICT in tertiary EFL classroom proposed by experienced instructors would be a contribution.

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