Monday, February 11, 2008

Roundtable session and potential use of ICT in language arts instruction

Roundtable session and potential use of ICT in language arts instruction

Exploring potential use of ICT in Chinese language arts instruction: eight teachers’ perspectives
Janet Mei-Chuen Lin, Greg C. Lee and Hsiu-Yen ChenComputers & Education Volume 42, Issue 2, February 2004, Pages 133-148

In this study , the researchers aim to identify potential uses of ICT in teaching of Chinese language arts. There were eight junior high school teachers participating in this study to discuss the potential uses of ICT in 12 roundtable session and joining web forum for exchanging additional ideas. They proposed a list of activities which they believed would be performed more effectively with the help of ICT. The activities cover various aspects of language art instructions including reading comprehension, writing skills, and other teaching-related tasks.

Methodology: data collection
The eight participants met for 12 roundtable discussions through the school year, and each discussion session lasted 3 hours. In the first few sessions the teachers reflected and analyzed the pedagogical practices of Chinese language arts instruction in Taiwan's junior high schools. The subsequent discussion sessions then focused on how teachers would like to use ICT to help enhance teaching and learning of Chinese language arts (tape-recorded and transcribed). A web forum was established for participants to exchange additional opinions that they did not get to bring up during roundtables. Each teacher makes at least two posts per week, either to initiate a new topic or respond to previous postings.
The authors and research assistants took turns in monitoring the forum, occasionally offering encouraging remarks and providing different perspectives to stimulate the discussions.

Tessie’s response

This is a brilliant technique which includes the roundtable session and web forum to produce a list of effective ICT instructions from experienced teachers. It can be done with teachers from all disciplines.

What I am going to do with my research

- ask EFL lecturers about their best practice
- ask them to recommended links or particular activities for both ESP and general English courses
- ask them to provide students’ works/ classroom artifacts/ and useful information about integrating the technology in tertiary instructions.
- organize a roundtable session in each university to collect effective uses of IT.
- write an abstract about the potential use of ICT in Thai tertiary EFL classroom for CLESOL 2008 at Auckland (I want to visit the sky tower again!)

I just found this article last week that's why I haven't started to write an abstract for the October seminar.

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