Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Language teachers' thinking towards innovation adoption

I ran into Rogers’ (1995)Attributes of Adoption of Innovation and Hall et.al., (1986) in a research article again.

Kim. C., & Baylor, A. L. (2008). A Virtual Change Agent: Motivating Pre-service Teachers to Integrate Technology in Their Future Classrooms. Educational Technology & Society, 11 (2), 309-321.

One of the author is Amy Baylor. I read some of her article before. Anyway the researchers have elaborated the concepts of those notions quite simple and clear here. I would pick up some lines and will integrate them into my data collection inquiries. These are what they explained….
When a lecturer adopts an innovation, he or she has located their thinking on these dimensions:
- relative advantage: the degree to which teachers’ integration of technology is better than what they are currently doing.
- Compatibility: users perceive technology integration as being consistent with their values, experience, and needs.
- Complexity: users perceive technology as being difficult to understand and implement
- Trialibility: the degree to which users can experiment with integrating technology
- Observability: the degrees to which the outcomes of technology integration are visible to users.

The teachers I have interviewed have been using Moodle as instructional technology in their EFL classes. They told me that Moodle is fitting into their teaching preference. They found it very useful including interactive tools for classroom activities. However, I haven’t asked them explicitly according to the technology attributes. I will include the notions into my next interviews.

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