Thursday, November 13, 2008

Normalisation: Am I going to witness this in my life?

I'm following Bax's Normalisation in some articles. Yeah- isn't it quite late to talk about this? The article is several years ago. Besides, I have seen his article long time ago, but I didn't read it in details. After I've been digging into notions of technology in language teaching. I realise that I should have read it carefully. Anyway, you know, it takes time to figure out concepts which are new for me. This entry will be update soon.

"... an integral part of every lesson, like a pen or a book. Teachers and students will use them without fear or inhibition, and equally without an exaggerated respect for what they can do. They will not be the centre of any lesson but they will play a part in almost all. They will be completely integrated into all other aspects of classroom life, alongside coursebooks, teachers and notepads. They will almost go unnoticed..."
(Bax 2003: 23–4)

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