Friday, April 3, 2009

Best Practices in Using Technology in Language Teaching?

Are there any reading about critical appraoches to technology integration in language teaching?
Yes there are some...I enjoy reading them..but still trying to figure out how things should be done in real-life classrooms.
Technology-Using Teachers: Comparing Perceptions of Exemplary Technology Use to the Best Practice

This one is good for teachers to understand that using technology doesn't need that much change. From my understanding, if you are comfortable with the tool in your teaching. Your students enjoy using it for language learning as well as they can still acheive the objectives of the course. GO AHead...that's your best practice, dude!

Technology Integration: Best Practices–Where Do Teachers Stand?
Best Practices in Technology and Language Teaching
Using technology in Adult ESL

Read and think about how would you use some of the suggestions to integrate technology in your own teaching contexts.

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