Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Teaching Writing with Technology: What to consider?

THis article is very good for teachers who want to use multimedia technology in writing instruction.

Beliefs about Technology and the Preparation of English Teachers: Beginning the Conversation.
by Swenson, J., Rozema, R., Young, C. A., McGrail, E., & Whitin, P. (2005). Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education [Online serial], 5(3/4). Available:

I like these statements:
"Technology should not replace the writing teacher; however, teachers will need to embrace new and emerging technologies with respect t oteaching composition and coaching students' development of effective writing process and products."

As I have been realizing about the importance of using technology in writing instruction, I always look for ideas how to adopt technology in writing classroom. Reading this article comfirmed my beliefs that teachers need to change the way we teaching writing to students. Students need skills to compose in multimodal environment. Sooner or later, writing with pen and paper will become obsolete. Students really don't need to practice only five paragraph essays. They will need to practice how to embed multimedia in their composition which would definitely - make more sense in the digital world.


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