Thursday, June 18, 2009

Training EFL teachers to respond to writing

1. Preparing teachers to respond to student writing

Dana Ferris

Responding to student writing is one of the most challenging aspects of the writing instructor's job, and it is certainly the most time-consuming. Preparing future teachers to respond to L2 writing thus becomes an important aspect of any pre-service training course. In this paper, the author describes her own approach to training writing instructors in an MA TESOL seminar, using the “approach/response/follow-up” outline found in Ferris and Hedgock [Ferris, D. R., & Hedgcock, J. S. (2005). Teaching ESL composition: Purpose, process and practice (2nd ed.). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates]. Additional sections describe special considerations for language-based feedback and ideas for working with in-service writing instructors.

2. Preparing writing teachers to teach the vocabulary and grammar of academic prose

Averil Coxhead, a, and Pat Byrda

These are good articles for teacher educators and EFL teachers. Helping teachers use an appropriate way to respond to students' writing is critical especially at tertiary level. Secondary teachers can adapt some of the ideas and approaches in this article in their classroom contexts. Good for a writing work shop...


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