Monday, September 6, 2010

Selected articles for the study of Thai EFL instruction

These articles and research papers from Thai EFL contexts are worth reading. They provide a comprehensive background of English education in Thailand. This collection may focus on tertiary level and technology-mediated instruction because of the relevance to my research interests.

1. Rajabhat and traditional universities: institutional differences in Thai students’ perceptions of English

2. Internet Based Learning with ESL

3. Should culture be an overt component of EFL instruction outside of English speaking countries? The Thai context

4. The effectiveness of web-based instruction: A case study of web-based instruction for a foundation English course at one Rajabhat Institute in Thailand. anchalee.pdf

5. The use of the Internet for ELT in Thai public universities.

6. Becoming a teacher of English in Thailand

7. Teachers' beliefs concerning large-class English teaching at the university level.
Jimakon, P., & Singhasiri, W. (2006). Teachers' beliefs concerning large-class English
teaching at the university level. rEFLections, 9(10), 13-23.

8. Issues and trends in language testing and assessment in Thailand.
Prapphal, K. (2008). Issues and trends in language testing and assessment in Thailand. Language Testing, 25, 127-143.

9. International program for teacher education: An approach to tackling problems of English education in Thailand. Conference/11thConferen/papers/3C3_Pattanida_Punthumasen.pdf

10. Thai university EFL learners’ oral responses to various spoken question types.
Sukanake, R., Heaton, S., Chantrupanth, D., & Rorex, P. (2003). Thai university EFL learners’ oral responses to various spoken question types. Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching, 12, 19-32.

11. Tepsuriwong, S., & Srisunakrua, T.(2009). Degrees of Learner-centredness in Thai Tertiary English Courses. Proceedings of the 13th English in South-East Asia Conference: English and Literatures-in-English in a Globalised World. National Institute of Education, Singapore 2008. pp. 363 – 377.

I will keep updating the list if i come across something interesting.

Actually there're many more out there but these are some papers that I found useful to my research. You may want to keep your own list.

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